An Epic Pregnancy Progression

An Epic Pregnancy Progression

Watch model and actress, Farris Patton, grow throughout her entire 40 week pregnancy.

Belly Wrap Used After Pregnancy:

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This is NOT a pregnancy announcement. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite. It’s a story about my pregnancy loss. It’s a story about the scariest and most heartbreaking thing that’s ever happened to me in my life – my ectopic pregnancy. I’ve been wanting to share this for a long time and it may seem like a random time or day of the week to post about it. But, given all the uncertainty in the world right now, it’s as good a time as any other. While I’m nervous to bare my soul like this, it’s therapeutic to get it off my chest and I now feel ready to write about it. In February of this year, I suffered an ectopic pregnancy, where instead of implanting in the uterus as in a normal pregnancy, the embryo implanted in my right fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies are extremely rare. To put it in perspective, this only happens in about 1% of all pregnancies. Since an embryo can’t survive and grow outside of the uterus, my pregnancy was not viable. And because there was a rupture inside my body, I had to have an emergency surgery to remove it. If caught later than we did, my ectopic pregnancy could have resulted in the removal of parts of my reproductive system, hypovolemic shock, or even worse, my death.

We are a husband and wife duo that have been married for over 13 years and going strong. We love the Lord Jesus and are so blessed that He has given us each other in this life.